Celebrating with the Names (kemeticism 101)

Within the Ancient Egyptian calendar there are listed so many different festivals, processions, feasts, and more. There were so many celebrations one might wonder how anyone kept up with them all.

Well, they didn’t.

Every temple or region focused on their own calendar that was not as huge as what we know of today. So the festivals celebrated at Esna were not the same ones celebrated at Buto, though some things were honored nation wide. There are just so many that now a days, devotees pick and choose which celebration to focus on throughout the year.

But how to choose which festivals to celebrate?

Many times devotees pick festivals that connect to the deities they worship. A devotee of Sekhmet may cherry pick a few of her festivals throughout the year and mark them on their personal calendar. Then they might go through and find festivals to add onto their calendar that honor other deities they worship.

If you are new to kemeticism, you might like to use festivals to get to know deities that interest you. Dedicating time to celebrate a deity is a wonderful way to greet them and begin a relationship. Developing the devotee-deity relationship is part of being a devotee, expressing their devotion and love.

So, what can you do to celebrate these festivals?

I think this is a personal question to reflect on. Of course the holiday itself might lend its own suggestion. A procession was when a statue of said deity was processed around the area or on a kind of parade route before returning to the temple. This type of event was done for a number of reasons, but it was also a great way for the masses to see and connect with deities. Feasts involved lots of food and drink. But for general festivals, researching the reason for the season might be the best clue on what to do for the holiday. Whatever you decide to do, it is an act of devotion to dedicate that time to the deity of that festival. Feel free to look through some older blog posts for ideas and patch something together that connects with you. Some ideas…

  • give offerings
  • light candles
  • sing or chant
  • have family time
  • do crafts or art
  • cook

The list could go on forever. Whatever you choose, it should be meaningful for you.

With that I big you goodnight! Until next time.

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